
David Howard – Annual Address – March 2020

Annual Address in March of 2020 – D.W. Howard Realty’s David Howard

Annual AddressMy name is Dave Howard I’m the broker of record for Howard real estate in Ridgeway Ontario. We have a couple of different types of situations this year that I wanted to chat with you a little wee bit about. One is the virus that particular virus which is so well-documented is dangerous it’s highly transmittable and as it has caused us a couple of really miserable problems relative to access to lakefront homes.

If you’re a non-resident at this moment you cannot get across the bridge. None of the reasons for getting here are acceptable in terms of necessary travel it’s only for commercial so that is a problem. It will pass there are positive signs but right at the moment you are locked out. We’ll help in any way we can if you need pictures of you need information don’t hesitate to call.

The second are high water levels the lake is at its highest level in 35 years. The 35 year theory is it now starts to go down again. I like our chances it’s happened before so we should see a little drop this year going on for several years that solved the problem. If we had a bad storm right now it would be potentially damaging and dangerous. Let’s hope it starts to drop we can enjoy the lake.

Those are the two things that I thought might be worthy of discussion. Normally at this time of the year I’m talking about bird singing and flowers coming up in the heat increasing and everything is beautiful all that’s still true but this year we’ve got a couple of bumps.

Thank you for your attention.

Dave Howard
Broker of record for D.W. Howard Realty in Ridgeway Ontario